Sony Records “Significant” PlayStation 4 Sales Spike During Christmas Quarter

Sony has presented its financial results for the Christmas quarter, revealing that from October to December 2015 approximately 8.4 million PlayStation 4s were sold through to consumers. 

Proving to be a “significant increase” over the same period last year, the figure means the platform holder is well on its way to hitting the milestone of 17.5 million PS4s sold by the end of the financial year — March 31. 

In the grand scheme of things, Sony’s divisions generated $21.5 billion in profit, roughly on par with its performance in 2014. Gaming and network services, meanwhile, recorded a 10 percent increase over the same period last year with $4.9 billion. Overall, the company noted that operating profit reached $335 million, a marked increase of 45 percent. 

Part and parcel of that comes down to the lowly performance of both PS Vita and and its brethren PSTV, after Sony previously recorded a $92 million write-down. 

At the turn of the year, the Japanese publisher revealed PlayStation 4 sales had been simmering north of 36 million, meaning that, should Sony hit the 17.5 million mile marker by March 31, lifetime sales of the console will be fast approaching 50 million. 


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