Grand Theft Auto Online‘s upcoming Valentine’s Day content has leaked out ahead of an official reveal, thanks to players who data-mined GTA V‘s recent update files. Although Rockstar did confirm that it’ll be adding items we’re “sure to fall in love with” for the occasion, the nature of the items wasn’t known until now.
So far, Twitter user TezFunz has discovered “Rhino Hunt” and “Till Death Do Us Part” adversary modes and others have discovered a line of 1920/30s gangster-style clothing, and a new edition of the Roosevelt car, which comes with the following description within the files:
Lovingly remodelled, with room for a new suite of personal modifications, the latest edition of our classic Roosevelt represents a new height of criminal refinement, taking you back to the golden age of fraud, racketeering and murder when all you had to worry about were a few charges of tax evasion.
You can get the full list of clothing from an info dump here, and a video of the car courtesy of YouTube user Bender here.
We’ll update our readers when we have more information. As a reminder, GTA Online Double RP and GTA$ weekend event is currently underway.
[Source: VG247]