New Tekken 7 Fated Retribution Screenshots and Trailer Released

Bandai Namco has released the trailer above for Tekken 7 Fated Retribution, highlighting Street Fighter‘s Akuma, Nina, and the game’s updated rage system. In addition to this, the developer also released screenshots from Fated Retribution, which you can check out in the gallery below. 

Interestingly, the screenshots were initially leaked via the South Korean video games rating board, prompting a reaction from Katsuhiro Harada on Twitter. “Every time, even though it’s confidential information, the review board leaks info to the media. This ratings board is the worst,” he remarked. Shortly afterwards, Bandai Namco officially released the images.

Tekken 7 is out in arcades in Japan. A PlayStation 4 release is coming sometime this year.

[Source: Tekken, Kotaku]

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