Cloaked in Silence DLC for Metal Gear Online Adds New Maps and Quiet

Cloaked in Silence, the upcoming expansion for Metal Gear Online, has been slated for a March release, bringing with it Quiet and a trio of new maps. 

Though Konami didn’t mention a specific release date or pricing plans outside of Europe, the update will bundle together Coral Complex, Rust Palace and Azure Mountain. Quiet, meanwhile, can soon be selected as a playable character. 

Here’s a rundown of those new arenas:

  • Coral Complex: A dedicated Motherbase environment, allowing players to access tall towers and use storage containers and other internal areas as cover for tactical advantage. Coral Complex mixes open areas and a myriad of hiding opportunities.
  • Rust Palace: Set within Afghanistan, the Rust Palace is a large multi-level building. The skeletal nature of the decrepit ruin means that cover is scarce, while the internal areas are rich in dusty rooms and high-up sniping positions.
  • Azure Mountain: An outdoor plain under Africa’s baking sky. A small cluster of buildings offers scant cover, with only derelict walls and occasional scrubland surrounding the massive rock known locally as the Cradle of Spirits.

Included with Cloaked in Silence is a new Metal Gear Online feature called Appeal Action, allowing players to execute different poses. Priced individually at €1.99 each, the DLC includes five in total: Basic Appeal Pack, Battle Appeal Pack, Dance Appeal Pack and Hero Appeal Pack.

There’s also word of a free update that will drop alongside the DLC next month. Adding the Sabotage game mode, it’ll have players duking it out for control of an enemy missile: “Attackers must destroy or fulton the enemy Missile before the round expires. To access the Missile, attackers must first hack into the Terminals to deactivate the Electromagnetic (EM) Barrier that is protecting it. Once the Terminals are hacked and the EM Barrier is deactivated, defenders can choose to reactivate the EM Barrier or protect the Missile.”

Pricing details beyond Europe are yet to be revealed (it’ll be available for €3.99 in the region), though expect Konami to release more information regarding Cloaked in Silence closer to its March release. 

[Source: Twitter, Metal Gear Informer]