Sheltered Is a Post-Apocalyptic Disaster Management Game Coming Soon to PS4

Currently available through early access programs on Xbox One and PC/Mac, Sheltered from Team17 and developer Unicube is coming soon to PlayStation 4.

A post-apocalyptic disaster management game that was successfully Kickstarted, Sheltered focuses on a family made up of two adults, two children, and a pet, with their customization entirely up to you. Since it’s game over when all family members die, you’ll have to scavenge for supplies, and craft, build, and maintain your shelter to keep everyone alive as long as possible.

Developer Sonny Meek talked about Sheltered:

The game has its hardships, and facing them as a family unit brings real emotional bonds and attachment, making every day decisions carry weight and difficulty. How will you cope when a child needs food, but doesn’t have any? Your dog, a loyal and trusty addition to the family is hungry — does he go without for the sake of the rest of the family? Does he… become the main food source himself?

Everyday survival is the main goal in Sheltered, but venturing out is just as important as battening down the hatches. In the wasteland you can find like-minded survivors, or people who are just thirsty for havoc. People can break into your shelter, and you’ll really have to bring out your strategic A-Game, setting traps and creating panic rooms for your family members. At every corner in Sheltered there’s an opportunity to improve your situation, or bring it crashing down like a house of cards!

Currently set for PS4 release “in the coming months,” Meek added, “We don’t have a specific release date just yet, but it’s coming very soon I can assure you!”

In terms of price, Meek said, “No solid price yet as yet… If you look at our current pricing on other platforms you can get a better idea.” Based on this comment, Sheltered should cost $14.99 (USD).

Unicube doesn’t have any immediate plans for a PlayStation Vita version, “but we’ll never say never!”

Since a PS4 trailer for Sheltered isn’t available, we’ve included the Early Access trailer above.

[Source: PS Blog]