Far Cry Primal Update 1.01 Improves Performance & Fixes Issues


Weighing in at 590MB on PlayStation 4, the day one Far Cry Primal update 1.01 improves performance and stability, tweaks XP rewards, and fixes issues.

Here’s the full list of patch notes, according to the PS4’s Update History:

Stability and Performance

  • Improved performance and stability
  • Improved lighting and exposure

Weapons and HUD

  • Fixed timing specific visual glitches on weapon HUD

Wildlife and AI

  • Fixed low repro companion navigation issues
  • Fixed various edge case animation issues
  • Improved mammoth visual on object destruction
  • Improved animal behavior when triggering a fight

Design and Progression

  • Tweaked and balanced XP rewards
  • Fixed damage ratio after using a recipe
  • Improved overall balancing for economy and buffs


  • Fixed timing specific issues with lit weapons during animations
  • Fixed issues with lit weapons during cinematics at night
  • Improved player navigation and small collision issues
  • Improved camera transition and minor collision issues on cinematics
  • Tweaked NPC spawn locations
  • Improved companion behavior

Far Cry Primal comes to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One tomorrow, February 23. In our review we said, “Far Cry Primal is a shining example of how a game series should advance, with meaningful and broad changes to the status quo while retaining the characteristics of the core game.”

[Source: The Games Cabin]