Battalion 1944 Dev Offers Status Report on Stretch Goals (Update)


Battalion 1944 won’t run on 60fps according to Joe Brammer in a series of tweets.

We based our story on Battalion 1944 aiming for 60fps in Brammer’s earlier tweet where he says the studio will do their best, but it might be out of their control.

We’ve edited the headline to avoid any confusion as well. 

Original Story:

Battalion 1944, Bulkhead Interactive’s Kickstarter success story, is aiming for 60fps across PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

That’s according to the studio’s Executive Game Producer Joe Brammer, who cautioned that Unreal Engine 4 along with the consoles themselves come with their own limitations. “We’ll do our best, [but] it may be out of our hands,” Brammer noted on Twitter

With a total haul of over £245,000 at the time of writing – and 8 days left to go – Bulkhead’s WWII shooter is well on its way to the planned May 2017 launch, and those who contributed to Battalion‘s barnstorming campaign will be pleased to note that stretch goals will be announced over the next week. 

Our team has been working day and night to produce these kickstarter stretch goals. When I say produce, I mean in 17 days we have added entirely new features to the game to show you, we haven’t just “said” we’ll do it. We’ve actually gone and done it.

Some of the things we had already planned, but some of them we’ve gone away and designed them. We want you to see what you’re buying or see why you should raise your pledge. We want you to know how much we as a team and I personally care about this community having a voice.

Battalion 1944 will set sights on PS4, Xbox One and PC at some point in May 2017. 

[Source: Kickstarter via WCCFTech]