Latest Sony TV Spot Touts PS4 as the Best Place to Play in Spring 2016

Though Street Fighter V is already out in the wild, Sony is continuing to bang the drum today for its spring software slate, with a new TV spot championing PlayStation 4 as the best place to play. 

Featuring footage from Capcom’s brawler sequel, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, MLB The Show 16 and, lastly, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the sizzle reel — one set to “Go” by The Chemical Brothers — is a handy reminder of the PS4 heavy-hitters releasing in the next two-to-three months.

Of course, Sony’s promo doesn’t include all of the titles making their way to PlayStation 4 in spring 2016, and Insomniac’s rebooted Ratchet & Clank is one of the more notable absentees. 

As for Uncharted 4, a story trailer for A Thief’s End hit the interwebs earlier today, and caused an online kerfuffle in the process. 

Tell us, which new PlayStation 4 title are you most excited about going into spring 2016?

[Source: PlayStation (YouTube)]