Now that The Division has comfortably sailed past Ubisoft’s first-day sales record, the post-pandemic shooter has fast become one of the publisher’s biggest properties.
But there’s plenty of secrets lurking around the ravaged streets of New York City, not to mention a number of Easter Eggs peppered around the environment. Chief among those is fellow Ubisoft properities For Honor and Grow Home — Bud can be seen hanging from a window, for instance — and YouTube user OniZombies has pulled together a video showcasing the more prominent slices of fan service.
In related news, Ubisoft has confirmed that a two-hour period of maintenance will take place later this evening. Plan wisely, agents!
Stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle over the coming days when we’ll have our own verdict of The Division for you to enjoy.
[Source: OniZombies (YouTube)]