Borderlands Movie Aiming to Expand Gearbox’s Franchise, Says Randy Pitchford

Borderlands 2

Warcraft, Justin Kurzel’s Assassin’s Creed and — whisper it — Sony’s Angry Birds film stand as the three main video game movies hitting theatres over the course of the next nine months. But there’s another adaptation simmering over at Lionsgate and Arad Productions: Borderlands

First acquired by Lionsgate in mid-2015, all has been quiet on the Borderlands movie front ever since. Although in a recent interview with, Gearbox CEO and President Randy Pitchford offered a brief status report.  

“It’s no secret we did a deal with Lionsgate and Arad Productions to have a Borderlands film made. That’s really an interesting angle. We’ll see what happens there. I’ll tell you, I trust those guys a lot. Ari and Avi Arad are great. And Ari really wants to be the guy to figure out how to make good video game movies…

There are a a lot of guys in video games who feel it’s a big risk to see a film made because so far there haven’t been great examples of great video game films. And fortunately, the Arads figured it out when Avi was doing Marvel and did Spider-Man and Iron Man and X-Men; he figured out how to make comic book movies that are really fun and do right by the franchises that are really engaging and entertaining for large audiences. That gives me a lot of hope that working with them we can figure out a good film.”

No word yet of a release date or planned cast, and only Avi Arad and his son Ari Arad are attached to produce at this stage. 

As for Gearbox, the developer is currently in the early stages of development of what is surely Borderlands 3. Battleborn, meanwhile, is due to descend on PS4 come May 3. 
