Tequila Works Says Rime Development is “Going Well”

Following the announcement that Tequila Works reacquired rights to adventure game, Rime, many took to twitter to ask the developer what transpired and if rumors about the game’s development troubles are true. Responding to several queries (translation courtesy of Wccftech) PR Manager Jose Herraez and Creative Director Raul Rubio Munarriz reassured fans that Rime‘s development is “going well and ending well” and that Tequila Works will share more information about this in due course. 

We’re also told that the game’s development team has grown in size and although the developer will reveal with time what led to the recent announcement, the rumor that Sony dropped the game due to lack of progress is untrue. According to Wccftech, the developer said in one tweet that the lack of news about Rime wasn’t Tequila Works’ fault but that tweet seems to have been deleted now. 

Something certainly wasn’t quite right between both parties but it looks like we’ll have to wait to find out what exactly happened.

[Source: Wccftech]

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