These The Division Farming Spots Will Net You Superior Gear Quick

The Division 15While The Division has only been out for a week, gamers across the world have no doubt hit the level cap of 30 already and are most likely on the lookout for the best gear.

Fortunately for us, some rather ingenious people have already figured out a few The Division farming spots that will guarantee to net you Superior (purple) gear every single time as well as Phoenix Credits. Yep, you read that right. The methods mentioned below will guarantee that you’ll get Superior drops in just a few minutes!

So far, there are two spots where it’s easy to farm for purple drops and Phoenix Credits, and one is near the Arlington Hope (Times Square) safe house, and the other is in the Garment District (super near The Cavern safe house). 

Arlington Hope Farm Spot:

The Cavern Safe House Farm Spot:

After testing The Cavern farm spot (ahem, for investigative purposes), I’ve managed to get at least 5-6 Superior weapons and a load of Superior equipment that I replaced some of my blue gear with. Check out how’s my character geared up now (and nope, I haven’t done any Challenging missions, nor have I finished the game yet).


All in all, it took me less than an hour to get almost all the gear you see above. Just don’t forget that in both The Division farming spots, you should only kill the “boss” (the one with an actual name and armor in their life bars) or this won’t work. Make sure to equip the Pulse skill as well to make things a bit easier. 

Needless to say, this is something that Ubisoft will most likely patch in very soon — possibly even before next week’s game update — so get in on the action while you can.

Have you found any good The Division farming spots? Share ’em in the comments below and I’ll compile everything in a future post if possible.

[Source: BoxManLocke (YouTube), evilernie_(YouTube)]

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