Former Konami Head of Studio and Castlevania Producer Dave Cox Working on Unannounced Project

Developer MercurySteam has revealed that it’s working on a “secret” unannounced project with former Konami Head of Studio and Castlevania Producer, Dave Cox. In a press release, the studio announced that it has renewed its partnership with Cox, and that the two are working together once again on what is the studio’s “most ambitious undertaking” yet. 

Cox, who has previously worked with the likes of Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions, said that he’s “extremely excited” about the project. “MercurySteam continue to push boundaries and their sheer creative spirit always astounds me. It’s great to be back with my old team mates!” he commented.

No details about the project have been made available yet but those who are interested can check out MercurySteam’s teaser site for clues here.