Poignant Journey Short Film Unites Jenova Chen and One Passionate Fan

Kicking off its new Makers & Gamers video series, Sony has premiered a poignant documentary revolving around thatgamecompany’s PlayStation exclusive Journey, and the story of Sophia, a fan whose life was profoundly influenced by the critically adorned title. 

Directed by Jesse Moss (The Overnighters, Full Battle Rattle), Journey creator Jenova Chen features in the video, and can be seen discussing the ways in which he uses emotion as a lens to create games and, ultimately, tell stories.  

According to PlayStation Blog, Sony is open to exploring future episodes of Makers & Gamers further down the line, with the intention of opening up a dialogue between user and creator long after the credits roll. 

What do our readers think of the new video series?

[Source: PS Blog]