Earlier this month, EA announced that it had planned some activities to celebrate May the 4th with its Star Wars games. The publisher has now revealed what it has in store for us. Those who own Star Wars Battlefront will be treated to the following:
Log-In Reward – For one day only, players who log into Star Wars Battlefront will receive 4,444 credits to use on blasters, Star Cards, or the latest Hutt Contract.
New Hutt Contract – Jabba the Hutt has a new challenge waiting for all Star Wars Battlefront players on May the 4th! Spend 3500 to 8000 credits and complete bounties to unlock the powerful Bacta Bomb Star Card which provides a health boost to you and your allies.
EA also reiterated that the next Battlefront expansion, Bespin, will be available for purchase in June 2016.
We’ll update our readers when a release date is announced.
[Source: EA]