Battleborn Is “Tracking Just Ahead” of the First Borderlands in Terms of Sales

After one week on the market, Battleborn’s sales are “tracking just ahead” of the first Borderlands game.

Creative Director Randy Varnell revealed the news during a Twitch stream, adding that the launch of Battleborn has been “pretty good” and Gearbox is feeling “cautiously optimistic” about its future:

Ultimately Borderlands [was an] extremely successful new game for us, and even Borderlands 1 went on to sell, I think, almost seven, eight million units in its lifetime. Battleborn is actually tracking just ahead of where Borderlands was on the sales, and we think it’s going to be a game that is going to work like that. A decent, solid launch. We’re seeing steady and growing user counts on all three platforms, and hoping that word of mouth is going to take us even further.

The original Borderlands managed to sell over two million copies within its first two months.

Battleborn debuted at #1 on the UK chart, with the PlayStation 4 version outselling the Xbox One version. However, going on an individual platform basis, the PS4 version of Battleborn was outsold by the PS4 versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and Ratchet & Clank during launch week.

Have you picked up Battleborn?

[Source: Twitch, GfK Chart-Track via VideoGamer]

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