PS4 Spring 2016 Sizzle Reel Shows You the Games You Need to Play

In case you aren’t keeping tabs on some of this year’s game release schedule, Sony has released a PS4 Spring 2016 sizzle reel reminding everyone at just how many games you really ought to play.

As expected, heavy hitters such as Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3, Ratchet & Clank are in the trailer, and it doesn’t end there. Also coming out are Doom, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, and Overwatch. Mind you, this doesn’t even count the topnotch indie games that come out on PSN every month. 

If you have a friend that’s complaining that there’s nothing to play on PS4, show them this video just to shut them up. And don’t forget, this is just for spring! Once E3 rolls around and we know more about this year’s Q4 game release schedule, it’s going to be something special I reckon.

What games have you picked up so far for the PS4? Are you getting any of the big titles coming out later this month?

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