Devil May Cry 5 Appears on Voice Actor’s Resume (Update)



Devil May Cry 5 has been removed from the resume and a 2013 cache of the website suggests he could be referring to DmC Devil May Cry.

NeoGAF user Geek also said:

I emailed Nils about his Devil May Cry 5 credit. He says he “booked the role years ago, but due to scheduling conflicts it didn’t actually come into fruition”

As we wrote in the original story below though, we’ve heard that Devil May Cry 5 is in development.

Original Story:

According to the resume of actor Nils Hognestad, he’s playing the lead in Devil May Cry 5, which is in development at Capcom.

No other information was given on the resume, but Hognestad’s Twitter account says he’s located in Vancouver, BC, so there’s a chance Devil May Cry 5 is one of the three games in development at Capcom Vancouver.

Ninja Theory worked on DmC Devil May Cry, the previous game in the series, but as of March 2015 they weren’t working on anything to do with the series. Devil May Cry 4 Director Hideaki Itsuno also spoke about the franchise last year, saying that Ninja Theory’s game didn’t kill the series, as evidenced by Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition.

We’ve also heard that Devil May Cry 5 is in development, but are unsure if it will be announced next week at E3 2016.

Currently, Devil May Cry games are on sale on the PlayStation Store in North America.

What would you like to see in a new Devil May Cry?

[Source: Nils Hognestad (1), (2) via Nibel, Nerd Leaks]

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