Overwatch Competitive Play Changes Include Season Length, Assault Mode Format and More

In a new developer update, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan discussed the upcoming Competitive Play mode, giving us an overview of how it’s going to work and briefly touching upon what changes have been made since the beta. Here are some brief points from the video above:

  • Season length will increase. It will now be more of a three-month season.
  • Sudden deaths will be minimized.
  • Assault mode format has changed in certain maps to make matches last longer.
  • Competitive Play will now be more skill-based. Tiers have been removed and there is an emphasis on skill rating, which shows you where you stand against other players.
  • Blizzard wants to ensure a level playing field for all so the mode will include cosmetic rewards, special Golden Guns, icons, etc. 

Other than the above, Kaplan reminded players that there are new heroes and maps on the way alongside a lot of other features and improvements. For more details, watch the video above.

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