With Rise of Iron set to be Destiny’s first third year expansion, some fans might be expecting new subclasses to be part of the overall package when it’s released this September.
Unfortunately, we’re here to douse any sort of hope you might have. At E3, we had the chance to speak to Rise of Iron Executive Producer Scott Taylor who confirmed that there won’t be new subclasses in Rise of Iron. This was touched upon when we asked about game balancing in the upcoming expansion.
PSLS: Are you scared of the balancing that is inevitably going to need to come with all the new weapons, and are we getting new character abilities and things like we got with The Taken King?
Scott Taylor: Balancing is something that we’re always looking at and trying to make sure if it’s right for that time in Destiny’s lifecycle, so no, I’m not scared of that. That’s typical. That’s part of our job. As far as new ways to feel powerful: Yes. There’s the axe, which you can see (Points to poster) and it’s on fire. There’s no new subclasses but there are things that we’re going to be talking about later in the summer that help enhance your power in a different way, and we’re really excited about talking about that.
Taylor also confirmed that Bungie will do “similar things” to The Taken King’s Spark of Light consumable in order for new players to be able to experience Rise of Iron straightaway.
Were you expecting new subclasses for Rise of Iron or are the new quests, raid, weapons and other stuff enough?
Keep an eye out for our Destiny: Rise of Iron chat with Scott Taylor set to hit the site soon.