Dishonored & Titanfall Devs Among Others Talk E3 Leaks, Hold Mixed Opinions

Entertainment business is no stranger to leaks, and the video games industry isn’t immune to them either. However, this year we saw a ton of leaks ahead of E3 – some courtesy of bloopers from companies, while others coming by the way of insiders. When GamesRadar asked a couple of developers (who had their content leaked this year) how they felt about it, they seemed to hold mixed opinions. While some were bummed, others were more optimistic. 

Dishonored 2‘s Harvey Smith said:

Those people are participating with the games industry in the way they want to. It’s okay because you know this is inside baseball, and how many people saw the leak really? Millions see the gameplay trailer in the end.

Sometimes it sucks because you want people to see it in its best form.

Infinity Ward’s Taylor Kurosaki wasn’t too happy, however. He called the leaks a “disservice to fans” and added:

We are very specific about what we show and when we show it because getting people hyped for a game all the way up to the moment where they can play it [is] all part of the experience.

There are absolutely things that we will not show, or talk about, until it’s actually in people’s hands because we don’t want to spoil part of that surprise.

Titanfall 2 studio’s Vince Zampella didn’t seem too bothered but didn’t like the idea of specific surprises being spoiled.

If it had been the multiplayer it’s not as bad because people knew we have that. Even though [the single player] was rumored and talked about, that was the big ‘hey, and here we have it!’ and that was spoiled.

Watch Dogs 2 senior producer, Dominic Guay, said that leaks are part and parcel of the industry and will happen due to the amount of people involved sometimes. He also said that Ubisoft uses agencies for some tests so there’s that.

For the team it’s annoying because we don’t talk about the game even with our friends too much.

It happens in all medias, it happens for movies, in a sense it’s a symptom that games are big.

Destiny’s Rise of Iron director, Christopher Barrett, added that although leaks are “shocking,” it’s “great” to see fans get excited and that it would be worse if people didn’t care. 

What do our readers think about the issue? Let us know your thoughts.

[Source: GamesRadar]

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