Sherlock Holmes The Devil's Daughter

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter Delayed to Fall for Consoles

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter is already out on PC, but the console version for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One haven’t hit stateside yet. Europe already has the game, the lucky devils, but the rest of us are twiddling our thumbs in anticipation. The game was supposed to reach our shores this summer, but Frogwares and BigBen have pushed the release back to the fall.

We don’t know why it was delayed, but a representative from BigBen has said that they will announce an official date soon.

Sherlock Holmes: The Devil’s Daughter is a successor of sorts to Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments. The gameplay appears to be the same, with Holmes solving five mysteries depending on how the player interprets the clues they find. It will be possible to fail the mystery and identify the wrong culprit, which will have an impact upon Holmes and other in-game characters.

This summer has been a bit on the stagnant side, and a new Sherlock Holmes game would have been a nice sprucing for the doldrums. I personally loved Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, as did D’yani, which you can read in her review.

[Source: GameInformer]