Darkest Dungeon Gets a September 27 Release Date for PS4 & PS Vita

After the European PlayStation Store leaked the release date yesterday, Red Hook Studios has confirmed that Darkest Dungeon will be available on September 27 in North America and Europe for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. It includes cross-buy and cross-save, and PlayStation Plus members will save 20% off the regular price of $24.99/£17.99 at launch.

Since detailing Darkest Dungeon last year, Red Hook Games has added new content to the “challenging gothic RPG about the stresses of dungeon crawling.” As Community Manager John Lindvay explains, you’ll find “new hero classes (15 in all!) who will find themselves at the Hamlet for redemption, glory, or fortune. More than 40 different Town Events add variety to your campaign… including a chance encounter with the nefarious Vvulf and his Bandit Raiders, who seek to destroy the Hamlet!”

Asked about the font size in Darkest Dungeon, Lindvay revealed that it’s been increased from the PC version:

Fonts have been a major focus for us during the port. The PS4 was easier than we anticipated, we have bumped it up and tweaked contrast a bit to make things legible. Legibility is a primary objective for everyone because, just like you, we also get bummed when things are hard to read on our nice large TVs! VITA is a bit trickier but we plan on making sure that the VITA port is the best it can be and we plan on supporting the platform to the best of our ability.

We have some cool ideas brewing for additional content, but nothing to confirm just yet!

He also said they’ve been working their “butts off to hit a simultaneous release [on PS4 and PS Vita] because its worth it for the players!”

[Source: PS Blog (1), (2), PlayStation Store]

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