DriveClub Update Will Add DriveClub VR Tracks for Free, Says Rustchynsky

Answering some DriveClub VR questions on Twitter, DriveClub Game Director Paul Rustchynsky (who now works at Codemasters) revealed that the five all-new Urban locations will be added to the original DriveClub as a free update:

After adding that DriveClub VR is a standalone game, and DriveClub Season Pass owners will get a discount on the VR version, Rustchynsky explained why the driver always wears gloves:

Asked if you can still select a driver, Rustchynsky replied, “That’s still there, you just always wear gloves now.”

Giving out more DriveClub VR details, Rustchynsky revealed that there aren’t any bikes, there aren’t any new cars, there’s “multiple views with adjust-ability,” and Evolution Studios “continued to work on it until very recently.”

The free tracks will likely come to DriveClub when DriveClub VR releases in October.

[Source: Paul Rustchynsky (Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) via VR Focus]

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