Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Gameplay Videos Show the Return of a Classic

While Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is this year’s “main” Call of Duty game, I think it’s fair to say that a lot of shooter fans (me included) are kinda more excited for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered since it’s, y’know, just one of the best first-person shooters of all time.

With the Call of Duty XP embargo lifting on Modern Warfare Remastered gameplay right this moment, I’ve decided to chuck some good Modern Warfare Remastered gameplay footage from various YouTube gaming channels just so you can see how this classic looks now. While PlayStation LifeStyle was at the event, we weren’t able to capture any of the gameplay ourselves due to technical difficulties.


General Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Multiplayer Gameplay

Obviously, there’s a few retouches that Modern Warfare Remastered developer Raven Software has done. Not just graphically, but in terms of the UI and such. One other new addition seems to be that players can now “inspect” their guns. If I had to wager a guess, this might be part of some micro-transaction thing by Activision where players will be able to earn or buy gun camos. Check the video below to see it in action.

In related Modern Warfare Remastered news, Activision has confirmed yesterday during the Call of Duty XP press conference that players who buy Modern Warfare Remastered will get all 16 maps; 10 at release, and the other six as free DLC.

In case you’re wondering, the only way (still) to get Modern Warfare Remastered right now is by pre-ordering Infinite Warfare’s Special Edition, which costs a bit more. Activision has yet to mention if players will be able to buy Modern Warfare Remastered separately, but I’d wager that the publisher will in a few months’ time.

Stay tuned for more Call of Duty coverage here on PlayStation LifeStyle!

[Source: Drift0r (YouTube), Hutch (YouTube), CharlieIntel (YouTube)]

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