Ubisoft book publishing

Ubisoft Opening Book Publishing Division

Ubisoft has partnered before with various publishers to create both books and comics surrounding the universes of its biggest franchises, but now they will be doing some book publishing of their own. The company has created Ubisoft Publishing to create new extended lore books for its series, and the first one will be Assassin’s Creed HeresyHeresy will be written by Christie Golden, who also wrote two previous AC books: Blackbeard: The Lost Journal and Assassin’s Creed Unity: Abstergo Employee Handbook. Her story will tell the tale of a “modern-day Templar with a 14th century narrative involving Joan of Arc.”

Ubisoft President Laurent Detoc cautioned that they will not publish every extended universe book in-house, however. 

We will continue to partner with the best in the book publishing industry while also working on our own publishing initiatives. With this team, we are owning creative control from initial concept to print, selecting the writers we work with, editing, artwork, the look and feel of the jacket, etc. We know our brands and their individual stories very intimately, so we’re leveraging our in-house expertise to continue to propel our brands and explore and dive into narratives that will be compelling to fans and new readers alike.

We’ve worked with the best in the book publishing industry from Penguin Random House, Scholastic, Insight Editions, and Titan Comics, and will continue to do so. We’re also leveraging our in-house expertise with a seasoned team of creatives, from writers to editors to artists, who intimately know our brands and storylines, and want to give them the creative control to explore what each world has to offer.

Assassin’s Creed Heresy will release on November 15, 2016, as well as Assassin’s Creed: The Essential Guide. The Assassin’s Creed: Last Descendants series by Matthew J. Kirby will continue to be published through Scholastic Books. 

[Source: Ubisoft Blog]

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