Titanfall 2’s Latest Trailer Focuses on the Relationship Between the Protagonist and Titan “BT”

Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have released a new trailer for Titanfall 2, focusing on their vision for the game’s story.

The story revolves around a human character named Jack Cooper and a Titan called BT who is “unlike any Titan seen before in the Titanfall universe,” according to the developer.

He is the first Titan built by the Militia; a resistance group fighting the oppressive IMC to provide freedom and safety to the Frontier. Designated as Vanguard class, he is capable of using any Titan loadout that he comes across and can adapt and learn in new situations.

As for Jack, we’re told he’s a rifleman who wants to be a pilot. He was being unofficially trained by a mentor who ends up dying, leaving Jack to finish the mission.

You can explore the bond with Jack and BT when Titanfall 2 launches on October 28 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

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