Steep Season Pass Detailed, New Trailer Focuses on Multiplayer & Customization

In the first of two new Steep trailers today, Ubisoft did a full 101 Overview in two minutes, giving you an idea of what to expect from the open world action sports game. The other video, Multiplayer and Customization Breakdown, offers a long look at gameplay while Game Director Arnaud Ragot talks about the gear and more.

In the months following Steep’s launch on December 2 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Ubisoft will release three major DLC packs, which are included in the Season Pass (should be $20 USD on its own) or can be purchased separately (prices TBA). Here’s what to expect from the DLC packs:

  • Winter Fest Pack introduces the winter sled and puts players’ skills to the test with its new array of challenges. It will also offers fun new exclusive costumes.
  • Extreme Pack adds three new exhilarating sports: rocket wings, base jumping and speed gliding. New exclusive costumes will also be part of the Extreme Pack.
  • Adrenaline Pack includes the Moonlight Pack, featuring 3 unique night-time challenges and equipment packs for players to show off their style while shining in the dark, along with new costumes, new outfits, new boards and wingsuits.

If you buy the Season Pass, you’ll also receive a snowman outfit, helicopter tickets to reach uncharted destinations quickly, and 10,000 Steep Credits at launch.

As a reminder, the first Steep beta phase runs from November 10 – 14. It’s only available to those who signed up previously, and codes are being sent out now, revealing a download size of 24.4GB. The second beta phase, which is open to everyone, will run from November 18 – 21.

The Steep beta includes dozens of challenges, three of the seven regions (the Aravis, the Tyrol, the Needles), and nine narrative-based contests known as Mountain Stories. Completing these objectives nets you new gear to customize your character.

Ubisoft adds, “If Steep’s pre-made challenges aren’t enough, intrepid free-roamers who create a particularly cool line down the mountains can share it online. This challenges other players to beat your performance, and you can even specify which of the six play styles you want to challenge them in. You can also invite other players to compete against you directly, thanks to your ability to partner online with up to three friends or other random riders you meet while exploring.”

[Source: Ubi Blog, Reddit]

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