Skyrim Special Edition Update 1.2 Now Live on PC, Stay Tuned for Console Patch

When Skyrim Special Edition update 1.1 released, users across all platforms reported crash issues that Bethesda promised it’s looking into. On Thursday, the developer released a beta version of update 1.2 on Steam, stating that it’ll work on the PS4 and Xbox One versions next. The update is now live on PC and Bethesda has asked us to stay tuned for a console patch. In the meantime, you can expect the following fixes with the update:

  • General stability and performance improvements
  • Fixed issue with water flow not rendering properly
  • Fixed crash related to changing from werewolf back to human form
  • Fixed crash related to reloading after changing Load Order of mods
  • General bug fixing and improvements with browsing Mods

We’ll update our readers when the patch goes live.

As for Skyrim on PS4 Pro, users are still reporting several performance issues. While Sony has said that it’s looking into games that are playing slower on the Pro than the standard console, Bethesda has yet to specifically address the issue.

[Source: Bethesda]