Watch Dogs 2 info

Watch Dogs 2 – Everything You Need to Know

November seems to certainly be the month of sequels. First Dishonored 2, now Watch Dogs 2. Both also happen to be from two of the biggest gaming publishers, Bethesda and Ubisoft. Ubisoft has a lot riding on Watch Dogs 2, especially since their usual November cash cow (Assassin’s Creed) is on hiatus this year. What they have shown so far has some promise, especially since they continually emphasize that they have learned their lesson from the first game. So what can you expect from Watch Dogs 2? Here’s everything you need to know before release:

Watch Dogs 2 will release on the PlayStation 4 on November 15, 2016. We shall see if it can indeed fill in that gap that Assassin’s Creed has left open. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if many fill that void with Dishonored 2.

Are you picking it up on launch day?

Essential Reading: