Rainbow Six Siege support

Latest Rainbow Six Siege Update Causing Game to Freeze and Crash on PS4, Ubisoft Working on Fixes

Rainbow Six Siege‘s new Operation Red Crow update is causing the game to freeze and crash on the PlayStation 4, prompting Ubisoft to promise fixes on “highest priority.”

Apparently, equipping Hibana’s X-KAIROS gadget causes the game to freeze, impacting players in a match. Ubisoft deployed a temporary workaround by disabling Hibana from Operator rotation but unfortunately, this prevented players from progressing past the end of Season rewards popup. “Attempting to click through this popup would result in the game client crashing,” acknowledged Ubisoft. The developer further wrote:

As mentioned in the previous communication, restoring the functionality of Hibana is our highest priority. We will continue to work on a solution, and will update you when we have more information available. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

To clarify, the issues that result from picking Hibana have not yet been fixed. We recommend you do not pick her, but removing her prevented players from accessing the game, and had to be reversed.

In other Rainbow Six Siege news, the game’s servers came under a DDoS attack yesterday, resulting in a partial outage. “The impact was limited to connections to the game and server latency, and we are taking steps to mitigate this in the future,” wrote Ubisoft.

We’ll update our readers when appropriate fixes are live.

[Source: Reddit(1)(2), Ubisoft, Rainbow Six Siege (Twitter)]

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