Sony Reportedly Sending Out $100 PS Store Credit to Selected Users

Over the past couple of weeks, Sony has been randomly sending out $10 in PlayStation Store credit to people who’ve apparently purchased a new PlayStation 4 (Pro or Slim) recently. Now, we’ve got reports that the company is sending out $100 “Golden Tickets” to selected users for subscribing to the PlayStation newsletter.

Since this is a very rare drop, there are no widespread reports of people receiving the voucher that you can see above. Report comes from UK publication Power Up Gaming who haven’t cited their sources, and since this offer seems to be for US subscribers only, we’re kind of taking it with a grain of salt.

Either way, check your emails to see if you got lucky at all. Going by the image, the code will expire on Monday, December 19.

Have any of our readers received the voucher above? Let us know via the comments section below.

[Source: Power Up Gaming]