The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 3 Isn’t Releasing This Month

After launching two episodes in December, which put them “at a slightly unusual rollout,” Telltale Games has revealed that The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 3 won’t be released this month.

Asked on Twitter about the release date of Episode 3, Telltale’s Job Stauffer said, “Won’t be this month, should let folks down easy on that – but we hope to have news in February. Big episode! Worth the wait.”

Stauffer also revealed that Telltale is “working in a lot of fan feedback for Ep 3,” and “Clem has an Ep3 scene that literally broke me.”

In a separate tweet, Stauffer appears to have given a small status update on their Guardians of the Galaxy game, which GameStop says should be out around April. “On the sci-fi/spacey side of things, seeing a lot of awesomeness coming together more & more quickly now. Cannot WAIT to share 1st looks!” Stauffer tweeted.

Featuring Episodes 1 and 2, as well as access to the remaining three episodes as they become available, The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Season Pass Disc will be available through retailers in February for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

[Source: Job J Stauffer (Twitter 1, 2, 3, 4)]