PSA: Final Day to Get the January 2017 PlayStation Plus Free Games, February’s Go up Tomorrow (Update)

Update: The February 2017 PS+ free games are now live in North America and Europe.

Original Story: With tomorrow being the first Tuesday of the month, it means you only have a short time left before the January 2017 PlayStation Plus free games leave the Instant Game Collection. Here’s the PS+ titles expiring on February 6, which you can still grab through the PlayStation Stores in North America and Europe:

  • Azkend 2: The World Beneath (PS4, PS Vita)
  • Day of the Tentacle Remastered (PS4, PS Vita)
  • The Swindle (PS4, PS3, PS Vita)
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)
  • Titan Souls (PS4, PS Vita)
  • BlazeRush (PS3)

As always, expect the games to rotate out early in the morning in Europe, and around 8am PT/11am ET in North America.

Here’s what’s being added to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection tomorrow, February 6, complete with their download size (according to the PlayStation Store), which doesn’t include the size of post-launch updates:

LittleBigPlanet 3 is currently on version 1.23 (or higher), so expect the total download size to be much more than 11.4GB.

Which February PS+ game will you be playing first?

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