The 24th Overwatch Hero is Orisa, Watch Her Origin Story

Blizzard has announced that the 24th Overwatch hero is Orisa, who was built by eleven-year-old Efi Oladele from parts of one of Numbani’s short-lived OR15 defense robots. Orisa is available for testing on PC on the PTR, and will come to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in the future.

Here’s the overview for Orisa:

Orisa serves as the central anchor of her team, and defends her teammates from the frontline with a protective barrier. She can attack from long range, fortify her own defenses, launch graviton charges to slow and move enemies, and deploy a Supercharger to boost the damage output of multiple allies at once.


  • Fusion Driver – Orisa’s automatic projectile cannon delivers sustained damage, but slows her movement while she fires it.
  • Fortify – Orisa temporarily reduces damage she takes, and cannot be affected by action-impairing effects.
  • Halt! – Orisa launches a graviton charge which she can detonate, slowing nearby enemies and pulling them towards the explosion.
  • Protective Barrier – Orisa throws out a stationary barrier that can protect her and her allies from enemy fire.
  • Supercharger – Orisa deploys a device to increase damage inflicted by allies within her line of sight.

To learn more about Orisa, check out this Developer Update video from Game Director Jeff Kaplan (skip to 3:45 for Orisa’s game mechanics and abilities):

Overwatch received an update earlier this week. You can read all the details over here.

What do you think of Orisa?

[Source: Overwatch (1), (2)]