This MLB The Show 17 Bug is Ridiculously Creepy But Has Thankfully Been Fixed

Sony San Diego recently held a live stream to show off its upcoming title, MLB The Show 17, with an emphasis on graphical improvements. While showing the game’s customization options from work in progress, a pretty creepy glitch appeared that you can see above. The developers then proceed to show off the bug a little bit with some commentary, a clip of which you can see below courtesy of AllGamesDelta:

Thankfully, it’s been fixed.

Sony San Diego later tweeted:

In related news, the game supports HDR on regular PlayStation 4 and comes with audio/video options for PS4 Pro (including 4K). If you’re interested in a demonstration then you can find a recap of the hour-long live stream here.

MLB The Show 17 comes to PS4 on Tuesday, March 28.

[Source: Steve Noah (Twitter)]