Everything Wrong With Persona 5

For this week, we’re taking a stab at something quite hard, and that’s pointing out everything wrong with Persona 5! As most of you know (if you don’t, shame on you!), Persona 5 is one excellent game — so much so, that we think it’s going to be one of 2017’s Game of the Year contenders.

However, same as with other excellent games, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing in it that could have been done better. And let’s face, most of our Everything Wrong With videos do nitpick a lot, and it’s not so different for Persona 5. While the JRPG lived up to the hype and then some, we still put it to task! Here’s Everything Wrong With Persona 5!

Agree with our “issues” with Persona 5? Did we miss anything? What didn’t you like about the JRPG? Sound off in the comments below!

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