Tekken 7 in First-Person VR Wouldn’t Be a Fun Experience, Says Katsuhiro Harada

At an event last week, Tekken 7 producer Katsuhiro Harada addressed several fan questions about the upcoming title, among which was a question about its PlayStation VR content. Harada said that a lot of people seem to assume that Tekken‘s VR version would be in first-person but having looked into it years ago, he doesn’t think the experience is exciting or fun.

If you could imagine that you have some kind of a martial artist or pro boxer or something come and do shadowboxing right in front of your face, you can then probably begin to see how that’s not a very entertaining or enjoyable experience. Added to that, you’d be knocked into the air for, like, an aerial juggle or whatever – it’s really jarring and not very fun.

He added that Tekken 7‘s VR content is more tailored to the game itself and focuses on the “character elements” of it. He’s of the view that if a fighting game was built from the ground up for VR, it might be “a little bit better” but as it stands, “taking Tekken as it is and adapting it to first-person VR is not the best way to do it.”

So what should we expect from the VR version? In Harada’s own words:

We ended up focusing more on the character elements of it, where you can customize your character and look at it from various angles, or with a fight against a CPU opponent slow down the match, and change the camera angles so you can see the game like you’ve never seen it before. These are the kind of things that make Tekken a more enjoyable experience in VR.

Tekken 7 releases on June 2 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We’re told that the PS4 Pro version will have a “noticeable difference” in graphics.

[Source: IGN]