kingdom come deliverance history

Kingdom Come Deliverance Will Have “Better Graphics” on PS4 Pro, No PSVR Content Planned

Warhorse Studio’s Michal Barton has answered a series of community questions about the upcoming RPG Kingdom Come Deliverance, particularly focusing on PlayStation platforms.

We’re told that the game will support PS4 Pro but the developer isn’t exactly sure of the full extent of the enhancements yet. Nevertheless, there “definitely will be higher resolution or better graphics quality settings,” according to Barton, who also noted that “the game itself has to be equal to base version.”

In response to a question about potential PSVR support, Barton said that not only are the studio’s games not in the VR genre but that he would “not recommend using this type of game in VR if you have any weakness for simulation sickness.” In other words, don’t expect any VR content.

Published by Deep Silver, Kingdom Come Deliverance releases sometime this year simultaneously for the PS4, Xbox One and PC.

For more on the game, check out our previous coverage.

[Source: Warhorse Studios]

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