Sonic Mania Release Date Revealed via German Steam Trailer

Following Sonic Mania‘s delay back in March, many fans of the blue hedgehog were wondering when we’d get a concrete release date. Well, it seems like the PC digital platform, Steam, has an answer!

Embedded above is a re-uploaded version of the Sonic Mania Steam trailer, which appears on the game’s German Steam page. At the very end of the video, what we assume is at the very least a European release date, is revealed.

The vague “Summer 2017” has been replaced with “August 15th 2017.” As this will be a Tuesday, we’re hoping more of the world will get access as well.

Wondering why Sonic Mania is worth getting excited about? Here’s some gameplay footage to get you in the mood for speed. Oh, and we can’t forget about Sonic Forces, which is also set to launch towards the end of the year! You can even create your own custom hero!

Which Sonic experience are you most hyped for? It’s going to be interesting to see what impact the games releasing alongside one another has.

[Source: Steam via @Nibellion, SonicWindBlue (YouTube)]