Telltale’s Guardians of the Galaxy Episode 2 “Under Pressure” Launch Date Announced

The second episode of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series will release on June 6, available to download on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, iOS, and Android.

After a decent start to the series, in which we especially liked the impressive action setpieces, we’re looking forward to diving back into this galaxy and finding out what’s next for the heroes. If you can’t wait until then, the upcoming episode’s description gives a tease at what to expect:

In “Under Pressure,” the Guardians just can’t seem to outrun the past (or their tab), but if they figure out how to control the untold power of their mysterious new relic, they might not have to. With help from dubious old friends and unwilling new allies, Star-Lord and company scour the galaxy for answers. But how long can they elude the genocidal maniac hunting them? And will simmering tensions finally tear the team apart?

And get ready to delve into a certain Rocket Raccoon’s past…

Are you prepared for episode 2? Hoping that it lives up to the great movies?

If you’ve not yet seen the official trailer, you can check it out here.

[Source: Telltale News]

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