Capcom showcased a bunch of Monster Hunter: World at their special stage event during Tokyo Game Show this year, including the character and Palico creation aspects of the game as well as information on the story, monsters, and other characters.
You can check out the entire stage event video below, which runs nearly 45 minutes. The character creation starts off around the 9:50 mark:
Details on the story and characters can be found below, and make sure to check out Gematsu for the rest:
■ Story
Around once every 10 years, the Elder Dragons cross the ocean towards the New World. In order to understand this strange phenomenon, the “New World Elder Dragons Research” group dispatched a team to the New Continent.
This time, on the fifth dispatch, a hunter boards a large ship that is chasing after the Elder Dragon Zorah Magdaros.
What is the fate that awaits this research group party is…?
■ Monsters
Zorah Magdaros
An Elder Dragon possessing an impressive volcano shell raised from the earth. It appears he is moving to a certain location, but his goal hasn’t yet been identified.
A puzzling monster that appears before the research group. Unleashing limitless destruction without any regard for what happens to its own body, this monster is also known as Extinction Dragon.
■ Astera
The ‘house’ where all the members of the investigation team live. There is a research area to advance the investigation, a workshop, and an area for hunters to meet and assemble. A team first started construction 40 years ago, and it became the way it is today due to many years of reconstruction and renovation.
Near the base entry is a Quest Board and Item Box. Hunters can freely explore the field and take on quests to investigate this New World.
Monsters at the base!? Some researchers will be investigating the monsters’ ecology.
Monster Hunter: World is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 26.