call of duty ww2 campaign

Winter Event For Call of Duty: WWII Kicks Off on Friday

The very first seasonal community event for Call of Duty: WWII is set to kick off this week, as the Winter Siege event starts this Friday, December 8 and runs all the way through January 2, 2018. Winter Siege will deliver a ton of new activities and content to the game, including a new multiplayer map, the return of the Gun Game party mode, and new Supply Drops.

“The Winter Siege is all about celebrating with the Call of Duty® community,” said Aaron Halon, Senior Product Developer, Multiplayer, Sledgehammer Games. “There’s a ton of content for everyone to play during this time from a reimagined Winter Carentan multiplayer map that’s now packed with snow to Gun Game to Supply Drops full of winter-themed gear and content all available throughout the Winter Siege.”

When the Winter Siege event kicks off in two days, all players will have access to a snow-covered winter themed version of the fan-favorite Carentan map, which was previously only available as reimagined Carentan to Season Pass owners. Winter Siege will also bring back the limited-return of Gun Game, the beloved party game mode that has players racing through a variety of guns against other players.

The main hub of Call of Duty: WWII, Headquarters, is also getting winterized, as Christmas lights and trees will don the grounds as a new Quartermaster, Captain Butcher, comes bearing new uniforms, cosmetic items, and weapon variants. Players will be able to earn a variant of each weapon for free via a Special Orders from Major Howard, and other rarity variants will be available through bounties, or in specially-marked Winter Siege Supply Drops, which can be earned by playing the game or by purchasing them with in-game currency.

Call of Duty: WWII is available now.