Someone was able to get a shot of the back of the Japanese box art for Monster Hunter World, and it reveals that the game will only require 16 GB on your hard drive. There are certain other factors to take into account, however, as this is for the disc based copy of the game. It’s likely that digital purchases will have different space requirements. The listed file size also doesn’t account for the possibility of a day one update and future DLC that will be added to the game for free in the future.
As Capcom gears up to the release in just a few more weeks, they’ve been releasing a ton of news about the highly anticipated PS4 entry into the Monster Hunter franchise. They will be releasing a starter edition PS4 bundle with the game in Japan, but there’s no word yet on a Western release. The bundle comes in either white or black. These bundles are in addition to the custom Rathalos edition Monster Hunter World PS4 that was announced last year. You will also be able to purchase the custom Rathalos edition Monster Hunter World DualShock 4 controller separately (Also a Japan exclusive. Sorry Western fans!).
We got a quick look at Monster Hunter World at PAX West 2017 and thought it was “pure excitement” and “everything [we] love about the series”.
After a few minutes of combat, my team had ended up victorious. The Great Jagras had fallen, and we got to collect the spoils of victory before the game kicked me out of the demo. It was a relatively short look at the action since I found the creature early on, and it only lasted about 10 minutes. Regardless, it was enough of a taste after what I saw at E3.
While I wish I got to spend more time with Monster Hunter: World, that one mission was pure excitement. It encapsulated everything I love about the series including the epic fights and teamwork. It also showcased how much better playing World was when compared to its now clunky counterparts, and I’m excited to play a ton more of it when it releases in Q1 2018.
Do you have enough space on your hard drive for the reported Monster Hunter World file size?
[Source: PSU]