Star Trek Online Getting New Episode and Anniversary Events, Coming to Console at a Later Date

Fans of Star Trek Online are in for a big surprise today, as Cryptic Studios announced today that the free-to-play MMORPG is preparing to commemorates its 8th anniversary. To celebrate the anniversary – which makes it one of the longest running Star Trek series in the history of the franchise – Cryptic Studios have announced that a brand new episode and special events will begin on January 23 on the PC, with anniversary events for consoles coming at a later date.

As far as the new episode goes, “Scylia & Charibdis” will task players with finding a way to stop a new escalation by the Tzenkethi fleet that puts the entire quadrant in immediate danger. Throughout the episode, players will receive communications from Captain Geordi La Forge regarding an unexpected ally that aims to help. When it comes to anniversary content, players can expect the following to be available:

  • New Featured Episode – Captains must rally the fleet to stand in the way of the Tzenkethi’s path of destruction through the Alpha Quadrant in the new episode “Scylla & Charibdis.
  • Re-Engineering – This new feature allows players to change the mods on their existing items, including weapons.
  • Omega Molecule Stabilization – Back by popular demand, players can join this event to collect Omega particles that Q has hidden across space. Stabilizing these molecules will yield prize vouchers, which can be redeemed for this year’s anniversary ship, the T6 Denorios-class Bajoran Interceptor.
  • 8th Anniversary Party Poppers – Captains can meet up with Q to score a special event party popper, which allows them to generate exciting new effects!
  • LootCrate Giveaway – Players can follow Star Trek Online on Facebookand Twitter to find out how they can enter to win a one-year subscription to the Star Trek Mission Crate from Loot Crate, which offers exclusive Star Trek apparel and collectibles every two months. Starting at the end of this month, each crate will also include codes to unlock in-game items for Star Trek Online, including starships, Bridge Officers, gear and exclusive emotes.

While no concrete date has been set for the PlayStation 4 arrival of the episode and anniversary content, it looks to be coming sooner rather than later, especially since it’s such a timely thing to be celebrating.

Star Trek Online is available now.