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Sony Reveals God of War Preorder Bonuses, Including Legendary Shields and Luck

Today has been a pretty big day for the God of War. Not only did Sony announce that the game would be releasing in April, they also revealed a bunch of other information on the upcoming game, including some preorder bonuses that players might want to get their hands on. According to the PlayStation Blog, any player that preorders any edition of the upcoming God of War at a supporting retailer will acquire three legendary skin shields (pictured below) for Kratos to use as he bashes and defends against all types of creatures.

god of war pre order bonuses

If you plan on preordering any edition at GameStop or EB Games, you’ll also receive a Luck of Ages XP boost, which grants +10 Luck and has 1 enchantment slot in the game. According to Sony, Luck influences how much XP you gain, how much Hacksilver you gain, and the ability to trigger perks faster.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out our preview of the latest God of War iteration from E3 2017:

God of War is back, and it has brought with it some fresh ideas. Not only in gameplay, with a helper character, truly defensive options, and the removal of blatant button prompts. But also in the world from which this game’s mythology is drawn from. Kratos continues to struggle despite a lengthy period of self-imposed isolation. Meanwhile, his son appears to be just as willing and able to conquer his fears and vanquish enemies as Kratos. Yet there remain so many unanswered questions: what is in that satchel Kratos is seen handing to Atreus? What happened to Kratos while he was away from the world? Who was Atreus’ mother? Or that woman talking to him? By leaving these things unanswered, Sony Santa Monica has left us all talking amongst ourselves, awaiting with a near fever-pitch level of anticipation, for what looks to be another solid entry in this venerable series.

God of War is slated to release on April 20, 2018 exclusively for PlayStation 4.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

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