Despite the successful launch of Dragon Ball FighterZ and the warm reception that the game has received, that hasn’t stopped some people from experience some issues. Due to the massive support from the game, it seems a handful of players have been experiencing various online-play difficulties, including not being able to join a game or being disconnected in the process of playing.
We’ll make sure to keep you updated when we have more details to share! Thank you for your continued patience.
— Bandai Namco US (@BandaiNamcoUS) January 30, 2018
Taking to Twitter and Facebook to address the issue, Bandai Namco stated that due to the overwhelming amount of support that the game received upon launch, some online-play difficulties arose. According to the company, these issues were not anticipated, but they do say they are in “constant communication” with the development team and are working on a solution. Hopefully for fans affected by the problems, that solution will come quickly.
For the full statement on the online issues, check below:
The launch of DRAGON BALL FighterZ has been nothing short of phenomenal in regards to support from Dragon Ball and fighting game fans. However, a side-effect of this massive support has been online-play difficulties that could not have been anticipated without the actual launch of the game taking place.
We are in constant communication with the dev team, keeping them apprised of the issues, and they are working on solutions to improve the online-play experience for DRAGON BALL FighterZ. We want to thank everyone for their continued patience and we’ll share more news pertaining to improvements for DRAGON BALL FighterZ’s online-play experience as soon as they are available.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is available now.