In case you missed it, during a a recent Golden State Warriors game, Sony cooked up a fairly special preview of the upcoming God of War by projecting a brief action segment onto the actual basketball court. While using projections to show off things on a court isn’t relatively new, it’s still exciting to see game companies branching into it as a marketing tool.
As you can tell from the video above, the brief teaser showed Kratos trying to teach Atreus how to fend for himself, and in classic God of War fashion, chaos ensues. Throughout the video, we see Kratos and Atreus facing off against Draugr, Helwalkers, and what looks to be a very unhappy Ogre. According to the PlayStation Blog, this scene will not appear in the actual game, but is instead used to excite fans about the potential adventures the pair will have and what type of monsters players will be facing off in their playthroughs.
Over at the PlayStation Blog, Cory Barlog broke down just how the Sony Santa Monica Studio collaborated with Platige Image to ensure the on-court video was perfect. “After storyboarding the epic action sequence, we mo-capped the official in-game stunt performers for both Kratos and Atreus to ensure both characters moved and behaved in an authentic fashion.” he said. For more information on what it took to get the projection working, check out the PlayStation Blog for what it took to get everything working.
God of War is set to release on April 20, 2018 for PlayStation 4.
[Source: PlayStation Blog]