God of War is only about a month away from releasing, and as has been the case with pretty much every major PlayStation release, Sony has announced it will be releasing a special, Limited Edition God of War PlayStation 4 Pro bundle that will launch alongside the game. Not only does the bundle include the game, but will also come with a fully customized PlayStation 4 Pro console and a specially designed DualShock 4 wireless controller.
Preorders for the console start today, with the console running players $399.99 if they’re looking to upgrade. The console itself was designed with Kratos’ Axe in mind, and was designed in collaboration with Santa Monica Studio. “The top surface is the Axe skill tree you’ll use in-game to upgrade your axe, along with the runic gem slots on the handle that enable unique special attacks.” said Shannon Studstill, Head of Santa Monica Studio. “The side panels are trimmed with a beautiful Norse design, and the runes each represent a realm in the game. The Leviathan Gray DualShock 4 wireless controller has the Huldra Brothers brand on it (just like the Axe), and a very subtle God of War logo on the touchpad.”
For more on the upcoming God of War, make sure to check out our preview of the game from E3 2017:
God of War is back, and it has brought with it some fresh ideas. Not only in gameplay, with a helper character, truly defensive options, and the removal of blatant button prompts. But also in the world from which this game’s mythology is drawn from. Kratos continues to struggle despite a lengthy period of self-imposed isolation. Meanwhile, his son appears to be just as willing and able to conquer his fears and vanquish enemies as Kratos. Yet there remain so many unanswered questions: what is in that satchel Kratos is seen handing to Atreus? What happened to Kratos while he was away from the world? Who was Atreus’ mother? Or that woman talking to him? By leaving these things unanswered, Sony Santa Monica has left us all talking amongst ourselves, awaiting with a near fever-pitch level of anticipation, for what looks to be another solid entry in this venerable series.
It is still too early to call this game, but what we’ve seen is as promising as any of the other strong God of War games. Watch this space for more God of War E3 coverage to come, including a one-on-one interview with Cory Barlog to dive a little deeper into the development of this new direction for the franchise.
God of War will release on April 20, 2018.
[Source: PlayStation Blog]