monster hunter world devil may cry

Devil May Cry’s Dante Will Join Monster Hunter: World

The Monster Hunter: World collaborations continue to come as the game continues to sell, with Capcom announcing today that players will be able to get a bit of Devil May Cry flare in their Monster Hunter with the addition of Dante as its next guest character. The inclusion of the character is to celebrate the release of the Devil May Cry HD Collection, which is out today.

According to the company, Dante will be available to unlock in the game during an Event Quest at a later date, which hasn’t been announced just yet. Aside from that, Capcom has stated that players will be able to fight “hellish” monsters and unlock a weapon in Monster Hunter: World that’s a combination of the Force Edge and Alastor in the Devil May Cry world.

For more on the upcoming collaboration, check out the following description on the partnership below:

You’ll get to fight hellish foes in Monster Hunter: World to earn this devious combination of the Force Edge and Alastor. In Monster Hunter, that weapon falls in the Charge Blade category, and typically features a hefty shield that, when combined with its matching sword, can turn into a massive axe. As you can see, we’re putting a bit of a DMC twist to the formula and leaving the shield out of the picture altogether (you’ll still be able to guard though) and instead of a sword turning into an axe, you’ll get a Force Edge that turns into a massive Alastor. I, for one, cannot wait to wield one of these and slash a Deviljho in the face… to see if it cries. Please stay tuned for more information on when this content will be available. It will be available to all Monster Hunter: World players; you just need to complete the right Event Quest when the time comes.

Monster Hunter: World is available now.

[Source: Capcom]